Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Summer Flies By & We Soak It All In...

Our little valley has been having little adventures over the past few weeks... 

 Let me share a few with you...


I've embarked on something(s) that may be charming or simply a "nice idea."

We stitched a bit with friends...

Discovered this dress on a trip with one of those friends...
What does it remind you of? ;)

Roses are blooming... How fun it would be to have LOTs of rosebushes...
Maybe next year...

The weather hasn't been the best here, but we got some biking in anyway...

...and wound up at one of our favorite spots...

Trivial pursuit is a favorite of Murray's, Kate's and Mine. Our parents are good sports...  At the time this picture was taken, Murray (blue) and tied with Mom (pink). She won, but it was really close!

Just in case you'd forgotten, we live in a gorgeous place!

Tried something new in the way of egg-making -nearly worked!

As things are still a bit in the catching up stage, I thought I'd include a snap of Molly, taken by Kate and discovered by me on my camera...

Giving Thanks - just before a big trip, while waiting at a light, a kind motorist brought this to my attention...

Thankfully, it turned out to be an unimportant filter of some kind. The garage Dad likes fixed it fast and free of charge!!! :D

Murray and Kate have a "business" selling tasty things to eat. I'm generally their chauffeur... They have fun and I have fun (if I could only figure out how to read a pattern).

On a whim, I decided to embark on a short-ish (but more strenuous than I'd biked before) trip with friends.
We (Dad, Murray, Kate and I) drove the course the day before as a test run, admiring the views. *

 *Nota Bene - I'd agreed to go 16mi, and ended up choosing to travel 4mi beyond! Could be the start of big things... 20mi is 1/3 of 60mi, after all... ;)

 On Our Next Post - What Are The Löwenherz Up To?